ADT Service Tool 2024 Added Features (New)


ADT Service Tool 2024 Added New Features: A Comprehensive Guide


In the ever-evolving landscape of smartphone technology, staying ahead with the latest tools is crucial. The ADT Service Tool 2024 Edition, in its recent update, has unveiled a set of exciting features that are poised to simplify tasks for users dealing with FRP, user locks, and soft-bricked Samsung devices. Let's delve into the details and explore the enhanced capabilities of this powerful tool.

Features of ADT Service Tool

1. Change CSC (Country Specific Code)

Easily set the CSC with a 3-digit code.

Manage regional settings for a customized device experience.

2. Enable ADB (Old and New Security 2023)

Activate ADB for advanced troubleshooting.

Compatible with both older and newer security protocols.

3. Factory Reset

Perform a hassle-free factory reset.

Ideal for resolving software glitches and starting fresh.

4. Knox KG (Knox Guard) Removal

Seamlessly remove Knox security features.

Enhance device flexibility and customization.

ADB Mode:

1. ADB Remove FRP (Old)

Bypass Factory Reset Protection using ADB commands.

Works seamlessly with older FRP mechanisms.

2. ADB Remove FRP (New)

Unlock FRP on devices with the latest security measures.

Stay up-to-date with modern security protocols.

MTP Mode (Media Transfer Protocol):

1. Open Browser

Access the web directly from your device.

Convenient for downloading files or searching for solutions.

2. Factory Reset

Initiate a factory reset in MTP mode.

Useful when other methods are inaccessible.


1. Samsung Mobile USB Driver

Ensure seamless communication between your Samsung device and computer.

Essential for flashing firmware, transferring files, and more.

2. Fix OPPO Preloader

Resolve issues related to OPPO preloader drivers.

Optimize device connectivity.

Reboot Options

1. System Boot

Reboot your device into the system.

Resume normal operation.

2. Download Mode

Enter download mode for firmware flashing or other advanced tasks.

Useful for software updates and repairs.

What's New in ADT Service Tool 2024

1. Remove Samsung Account (Beta)

Test the beta feature for removing Samsung accounts.

Simplify account management.

2. Exit Download Mode

Quickly exit download mode without unnecessary delays.

Enhance user experience during firmware updates.

3. FRP Android 5/6 (Method 1)

A specialized method to bypass FRP on Android 5 and 6 devices.

Useful for legacy devices.

4. Softbrick Fix

Repair soft-bricked devices using the tool.

Revive devices stuck in boot loops or unresponsive states.

Flash Samsung Like Odin

1. BL, AP, CP, CSC, DATA (Choose File)

Flash specific partitions individually.

Fine-tune your firmware installation.

2. Reboot

Reboot your device after flashing or other operations.

Ensure changes take effect.

3. Check MD5

Verify the integrity of flashed files using MD5 checksums.

Prevent corrupted installations.

4. Nand Erase

Erase NAND memory blocks if needed.

Advanced users can utilize this feature.

MTP Mode - Open Browser

  • Access the web browser directly in MTP mode.
  • Convenient for troubleshooting or accessing online resources.

How To Use ADT Service Tool 2024

  1. Download the Zip File
  2. Get the tool from the provided link.
  3. Unzip Files at C: Drive
  4. Ensure a smooth installation by unzipping files at the C: drive.
  5. Disable Antivirus
  6. Before installation, disable antivirus to prevent interruptions.
  7. Install Setup File
  8. Open the folder and install the setup file following basic instructions.
  9. Run "ADT_Service.exe"
  10. Execute the tool and install any required drivers.
  11. Connect Your Phone
  12. Try out different functions and enjoy the seamless experience.



The tool is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 (32-bit and 64-bit).

Take a Backup

Always back up your data before using the tool to prevent any loss during flashing.


The ADT Service Tool is generously shared by the developer for free. Full credits to the developer for this valuable contribution.

Info. Details
Tool Name ADT Service Tool 
Version 2024
Password Free
File Size 345.9 MB
Files Hosted By

Get This Tool


The ADT Service Tool 2024 Edition continues to be a game-changer in the realm of Android smartphone repair and maintenance. Its array of features caters to both basic and advanced user needs, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience. Stay tuned for future updates as the tool evolves to meet the ever-growing demands of the tech-savvy user.


Is the ADT Service Tool compatible with Mac OS?

No, the tool is designed to run on Windows operating systems only.

Can I use the tool without unzipping files at the C: drive?

It's recommended to unzip files at the C: drive for optimal performance.

Does the tool support devices from other manufacturers besides Samsung?

The primary focus is on Samsung devices, but certain features may work with other brands.

Is there a risk of data loss during the flashing process?

Taking a backup before using the tool is strongly advised to prevent data loss.

How frequently does the tool receive updates?

The tool is updated periodically to address emerging issues and introduce new features.

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